Sunday, September 21, 2008

The rivalry continues...

A little while ago I posted about the Blue vs. Red in the NICU. I also mentioned we had something else up our sleeve! Well, we made this cute little sign that had the nurse's picture on it and it said, "NICU nurse by day, Cougar fan by night". We got to the NICU and then innocently, hung them all around so everyone could enjoy them! No harm there, right?!

The next day, we get to the hospital, and there is our sweet little Zack, all dressed in red, with little "U's" taped on him! Apparently, there was also a little photo shoot that day with him all "dressed up" too! Notice he didn't have the oxygen or feeding tubes connected. Although he was in red, the pictures turned out SO cute!!!
I really don't know what was more funny... seeing Zack laying there not knowing what was going on, or Jared's reaction to it all!! Since that day, we don't hear the end of it with the Cougars vs. the Utes. However, yesterday's score for the Cougars, was another victory of 44-0...


Maria said...

HE looks so cute! I am a Ute fan so I think he looks rather good in red!:)

Josh, Amanda, and Talon said...

I love this rivalry!! It really just makes for fun times! Hopefully you guys will retaliate.