Friday, April 10, 2009

My little moment

I feel like there should be these big "life changing" things that I should be blogging about, but as I sit here, I am just so thankful for Zack and wanted to let him know!
Everyday when Jared is at work, Zack and I just hang out and play (OK, it's not always play time)!! I love being a mom. It is as hard as everyone always says it is, but also just as rewarding. I am so blessed to be able to be home with him right now!
Zack is getting so big. We go for the 9 month check up next week, so I will post his weight and length, but I can tell you that he has changed from the time he came home for the first time. The NICU nurses will all agree with me too! They saw him this week and couldn't believe how big he was!
Anyway, I just wanted my little moment...
I love you Zack!

1 comment:

Ben and Melissa Ellis said...

I love good mom moments like this. Zack is a lucky kid! I am curious to see how much he weighs now too. His pictures have changed so very much.