Wednesday, April 15, 2009

9 month check up

We went in for Zack's 9 month check up yesterday (Which means he is really 9 1/2 months old!) and once again, I am amazed at how well he continues to do. He weighs exactly 11 pounds more than he did at his birth weight... which was 1 pound 11 ounces. So he's 12 pounds 11 ounces now! And, he is approx. 25 inches long now.
The doctor thinks he is right on track developmentally, and as of now, nothing to worry about. Yipee!
I had to record this video of Zack!! This was after he was weighed and measured and we were just waiting for the doctor to come in and meet with us. It was done on my cell phone so it's probably not the best quality, but you get the idea!


Josh, Amanda, and Talon said...

This makes me laugh so hard!! He is such a flapper.

Kim said...

He really got going!!! Very cute!

Kirby Johansen said...

I LOVE it!!!! Its so funny and he looked so happy!!!